Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Seven Characteristics of an Online Business Owner

The Internet is a modern day Gold Rush! It seems that almost everybody is looking to start an online business and make their fortune! Just search for "Online Business Opportunities" and you will be overwhelmed by the thousands of options available. Before you go parting with your hard earned cash it is worth thinking the process through. You are entering into the world of the online entrepreneur and you will need certain skills to survive and flourish there. This article looks at the characteristics you will need in this world; some you may already have, others you will have to learn. But without them you will certainly struggle with your new endeavour. The word "Entrepreneur" can be defined in many ways. It is about clarifying one's vision, taking action, and bringing that vision to life. In simple terms it's getting your butt off the sofa and actually making something happen - rather than drifting through life as a couch potato who's biggest concern is what's happening in the latest TV soap! There are certain qualities or attitudes of mind that all successful entrepreneurs have:

1) Optimism - do you see the glass as half full or half empty? All businesses have good times and bad times but you must always see things in a positive way irrespective of the circumstances that may hinder your progress. Expect the positive outcome; see problems as challenges not obstacles; bounce back when things go against you. Develop optimism.

2) Creativity - learn to think outside the box. Continue to expand your mind by always looking critically at the latest ideas. Go beyond the ordinary - research and evaluate as much information as you can. The person who thinks they know it all is a dinosaur, and will suffer the same fate!

3) Stability - it is very difficult to be an effective entrepreneur if you are unbalanced, either physically, mentally, socially, or emotionally. To be a leader in any field you must possess a stable life - this will give you the solid base to handle dire situations during tough times!

4) Personality - A good entrepreneur must have the certain magic glistening in their eyes! They must be able to communicate effectively with people from different walks of life and convey and honest belief in their product or service. This doesn't have to be done in a loud or showy way - some of the most effective entrepreneurs are quiet and thoughtful characters. Remember: people generally do business with people they like! So, be nice!

5) Risk-taker - This is a big one. We all have a different risk tolerance. One thing is certain though; if you are going to be a successful entrepreneur you will have to learn to take risks! You must have the guts and the balls (with apologies to my female readers) to take a big leap of faith and step boldly forward towards your own success. Life is a risk and there are times in business where you will be really frightened - learn to take positive action in spite of your fear.

6) Energetic - You must be willing to do whatever it takes to reach to the finish line. Do not think that working for yourself will be a soft ride. Most successful entrepreneurs put many more hours in a week than any regular employee would. If you are starting an online business part-time, you must be prepared to get up early and go to bed late. And still have energy for your family and your regular commitments. Your drive and enthusiasm must always be at its highest level!

7) Organised - You must be able to organise your time effectively. If you are easily distracted or lose focus then you will not get things done effectively. We all have exactly the same number of hours in a day - it is how we spend those hours that often separate the successful from the failures. Plan you day and work your plan without fail! All the above qualities are important to your success as an entrepreneur but perhaps the biggest is to take personal responsibility for your own success or failure. If you have been working as an employee this can be a big jump! You are now your own boss and the buck (for everything) will literally stop with you. Not everyone is comfortable with that level of responsibility; are you? Everyone has to start somewhere, and what begins as a small business for you may, in time, grow into something very powerful. Always be positive about what you are doing and develop the strength of character to carry the absolute responsibility that being a successful entrepreneur requires.

Think big and take action. You CAN make your business dreams come true!

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